Saturday, March 8, 2014

AW’s Thoughts on “Somepony to watch over me”


            Hi it’s AW again and I thought “Somepony to watch over me” was another alright episode and I thought the “no time for a song” joke was fantastic. I liked this AppleBloom episode that turned into a AppleBloom and AppleJack episode, but it had a few odd and interesting things like the problem with AppleBloom staying home alone, AppleJack acting like an over protective mother, and the chimera at the end.

            I found it odd that the rest of the Apple family didn’t want to leave AppleBloom home alone because she wanders alone or with her friends without adult supervision all the time. Most of the time AppleBloom hangs out with her friends doing dangerous stuff to get their cutie marks like zip lining or scuba diving and they usually do this with no one watching over them. AppleBloom even does dangerous stuff on her own like in “Cutie Pox” when she took a walk in the Everfree forest when she was angry. Since the adults don’t stop her from doing these dangerous things I thought that the rest of the Apple family wouldn’t mind her staying home alone, but that didn’t happen. It’s possible that they worried that AppleBloom couldn’t handle all the chores by herself, but it seemed like they were more worried about her safety. Ultimately AppleJack got worried about AppleBloom, came back, and started acting like an over protective mother.

            Before this episode I never thought of AppleJack as a mother figure, but now it makes a lot of sense. AppleJack’s, Big Mac’s, and AppleBloom’s parents aren’t in the show, some of writers and Lauren Faust before she left wanted to say they were dead, but couldn’t because it was too hard, they couldn’t get approval, or some other reason. Since it’s possible that AppleBloom’s parents died when she was little it makes sense that AppleJack helped raised her and would be overly concerned with her safely. Granny Smith and Big Mac probably helped raise AppleBloom too, but AppleJack’s attitude made me think that she did most of it. A lot of this paragraph could be viewed as speculation or head canon, but I thought it was possible after seeing over protective AppleJack mom. The last thing I want to talk about before I’m done is the chimera and AJ’s fight with it at the end of the episode.

            I really like it when the show adds new mythological monsters like the chimera and I didn’t mind that it had a tiger body instead of a lion body because the show already had the Manticore and it had a lion body. Also chimeras can be any animal combo not just lion, goat, and snake, but I’m not sure if a chimera should be one mind, one voice or three minds and three voices. Speaking of voices I had a few problems with the chimera’s voices, the tiger’s voice was cool and intimidating, but the other two were not cool or intimidating. If I remember correctly all three parts were supposed to be female, but the tiger’s voice sounded male and I think it was because of the editing. Anyway I liked the chimera and I really like the action scene with AJ vs. the chimera even though it was a bit silly. The end of the episode in swamp town was alright and I likely the ending dialog with AJ and AppleBloom it was pretty good and tied up the moral.

            Thank you for reading and please tell me what you thought of this episode and what you thought about AJ in black fire proof boots. I do wonder what happened to Big Mac, did he have an equally dangerous route or did AJ take the dangerous route while Big Mac took the safe route.         


Saturday, March 1, 2014

AW’s thoughts on “It Ain't Easy Being Breezies”

            Hello this AW also known as AlienWarhead and I’d like to share my thoughts and analysis on “It Ain't Easy Being Breezies”. This episode was alright, it had some good jokes like Rarity’s shiny fashion, and I liked the breezies, but I thought the episode overhyped the cuteness of the breezies. I thought they were cute, but not as cute as everyone in the episode said they were because I thought parts of their design were weird like their long legs. Other parts of their design were cute like their simlish or Celtic like voices even though the cuteness of their voices made Sea Breeze sound female despite being called male. The most interesting part of the episode for me was the key/element of kindness lesson.

            It seemed that Fluttershy got her key this episode and had her lesson on her element like Rarity in “Rarity takes Manehatten”. Fluttershy has being overly kind to the Breezies and her kindness was hurting them because the Breezies were getting use to Fluttershy’s kindness instead of going to the safety of their home. Later when Fluttershy had to be mean to the bees to stop them from hurting Sea Breeze the episode showed that sometimes you have to mean to someone for their own good and too much kindness can hurt someone. This lesson seems backwards for the element of kindness, but I feel this is a realistic lesson about kindness like the lesson from “Rarity Takes Manehatten” that states that people will take advantage of your generosity, but don’t let that stop you. You could also argue that Fluttershy being mean to the Breezies was kinder than being overly nice to the Breezies because the Breezies needed to go home before the portal closed and it was hard for Fluttershy to do the right thing by telling the Breezies to leave. It seems like the episode is favoring being mean over being nice, but the episode shows being mean doesn’t always work by showing the Breezies not listening to the overly mean Sea Breeze. I really liked this lesson, the rest of this episode was fine, and I thought the ending were the Mane 6 turned into breezies was surprising, but I didn’t hate it.

            I hope the next key episode will have a lesson as good as this one and I’m guessing it will be AppleJack because I think Twilight’s key will last. I haven’t posted an article in a while because I lost interest in analysis and I’m not sure if it’s completely back and if I’ll keep doing this. Thanks for reading this and one more thing, the show had a big Doctor Who reference for no reason in the form of Doctor Whooves wearing 3D glasses and hanging out with Roseluck. This is a reference to the Tenth Doctor episode “Doomday” were he worth 3D glasses for part of the episode and Roseluck in this instant is probably a reference to one of the Doctor’s companions Rose Tyler.   

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