Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bronycon 2013 analysis panel analysis

Bronycon 2013 analysis panel analysis


Several weeks ago Digibrony and Bronycurious hosted an analysis panel with PaleoSteno called “Thoroughly Analyzing MLP” and I was lucky enough to attend. It was mostly a discussion panel where the panelists asked for topics to analyze or discuss. There were some silly topics like “pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows”, but we did get to some interesting topics like what happens when a pony gets their cutie mark, learns their special talent and wants to do something else. The answer was that ponies are different then people, ponies go to school, find their special talent and cutie mark, finish school, and enjoy working at a job by using their special talent without thinking that they should try something else. Besides analysis, discussion, and Q&A the panelists gave introductions, explained why they analyze, and random banter. I enjoyed the panel, but there are two points I wish to discuss, panel structure and memes.

1. Panel structure
The panel worked as a discussion panel, but I wanted more structure or things planned such as new videos shown first at Bronycon. It would have nice if Digibrony or Bronycurious debuted a new video or made a big announcement, but I think Bronycurious mentioned a video coming in November. This point may be nitpicking because I liked the panel, but I felt like bringing it up because I thought it was cool when other panels debuted new content and I wished that the analysis panel would do that.      

2. Memes
Whenever the panelists said fun some of the attendees would repeat fun, fun, fun like the Pinkie Pie clones and that would annoy the panelists. A panel is not the time or the place for the Pinkie Pie fun meme it wastes time, it can piss off the panelists, and it can become annoying. The meme is fine when you are in line or are waiting for something, but you shouldn’t waste time in a panel. The panelists are pressed for time because there is usually a panel after the current panel and they can’t get to everyone’s question. Also it sucks that they can’t say fun without people repeating fun, fun, fun, panelists have to watch what they say more and get stressed out over it. Sometimes the panelists enjoyed the fun meme, but I felt it mostly wasted time and was annoying.

            Thank you for reading my article and if you’re curious I was in the video and I was on camera for a second when that one lady asked about pink fluffy unicorns, I was the slightly Asian guy with glasses. Also Digibrony called me that with the glasses when I was picked around the 24 minute mark, I asked the panelist’s opinion on written analysis vs. video analysis. 

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